This is some background on the FM3, the newest offering from Filtrox/ Filtercorp in the Food industry. Our technology is very unique but has been proven to be effective in the food service /fast food frying industry over the last 18 years. Most of the major companies involved have adopted this technology.
During this time the technology has undergone refinement and we are now selling version 3 media for these applications. About 4 years ago the engineering department at Filtercorp started looking at scaling the systems up to commercial sized fryers and at the same time evaluating the current state of hot oil filtration. What we found was that no one was actually treating the oil like we do. Many commercial fryers incorporate some type of filter, i.e. bag filters, metal screen filter, shakers, all kinds of different particulate removal filters. We go way beyond what a filter is doing. In fact we need a filter in front of our system, this can be a permanent cleanable wire mesh type or replaceable bag filter type or others that are available, then our system takes over.
We have also found systems using a powder (Very expensive systems) that is placed directly in the oil and then “filtered out”, but we know that all the power is not removed (Which leads to an accelerated break down of the oil), we also have found that the powder removes good antioxidants (Tocopherols) and increases soaps.
The things our system does:
– Treat the FAA’s and soaps
– Remove or lower TPM’s (Total Polar Materials)
– Preserve the good antioxidants, i.e. Tocopherols
– Enhanced product quality (Flavor, aroma, color, shelf life)
– Improved operating efficiencies
– In addition we are conducting a scientific study (At a commercial frying facility and the University of Nebraska) to show allergen removal.
All this with a system that has a small footprint and is reasonably priced. In addition the disposable cost are well offset by the savings as outlined above.

These are before and after photos of our Supersorb 12” module take at a customer’s location. Each model has 9 lenses which equals 11sqft of filter area.

The hardware on the module is made of an FDA approved (Level J) and is described in 21 CFR 176, 170, Table 1 and 2. The plastic is rated at well over the normal frying temperatures and there can be used on line during the frying operation. These devices are easily replaced while frying, without halting the frying operation.